Rural Freight | SPEECH

Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN (Stuart) (15:38): I rise today on behalf of the people of Stuart to take this opportunity to talk about rural freight. This is an issue that affects all our state, but of course I am far more familiar with it in my electorate; however, let me say that this is a […]

Energy security target questioned

The State Liberals have released submissions made to the Weatherill Government from Nystar, AGL, Momentum Energy and Alinta pouring cold water on Labor’s claim its Energy Security Target (EST) will drive down the price of wholesale electricity. Treasurer Tom Koutsantonis: ‘The EST is set to commence on 1 July this year at the target level […]

Dirty diesel generators on hire purchase

The State Liberals have seized on the revelation that the Weatherill Government’s diesel generators will produce 25 per cent less electricity in hot weather to demand the government reveals the total cost to taxpayers of the diesel generators. “The Weatherill Government tried to pull the wool over the eyes of South Australian taxpayers regarding the […]

Child Abuse Reports | MOTION

Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN (Stuart) (12:13): I rise to support the member for Adelaide in her motion: That this house condemns the Labor government’s record on child protection and in particular notes— (a) the average waiting times on the Child Abuse Report Line having extended greater than one hour in 2016 compared to 10 minutes […]

Diesel Generators | QUESTION TIME

Excerpts from Question Time 2 August 2017 Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN (Stuart) (14:32): My question is for the Minister for Energy. What is the duration of the lease period in the contract being entered into with APR Energy for the nine diesel generators? The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens—Treasurer, Minister for Finance, Minister for State […]

Lights go out on Weatherill’s generator

The Treasurer Tom Koutsantonis told State Parliament last night that the proposed State Government gas-fired generator may never deliver electricity into the South Australian grid. “Jay Weatherill is proposing South Australian taxpayers fund another white elephant – a $360 million electricity generator that doesn’t generate any electricity,” said Shadow Minister for Energy Dan van Holst […]

$150 million country health backlog to be addressed

A decade long $150 million country hospital capital works and maintenance backlog will be addressed under the State Liberals’ Investing in Country Health policy. Member for Stuart, Dan van Holst Pellekaan MP, has been advocating for the need to ensure there is adequate investment in health facilities in the electorate of Stuart. “Hospitals and health […]

Diesel Jay’s dirty little secret

News that Jay Weatherill’s promised 250 megawatt gas-fired electricity generator won’t be operational until 2020 highlights the economic damage of the Premier’s decision to shut down the Northern Power Station. “As a consequence of Jay Weatherill’s failure to deliver the new power station as promised South Australian taxpayers will be hit with a $110 million […]