High electricity prices hurting SA businesses

Industry groups have issued fresh warnings highlighting how high electricity prices are hurting South Australian businesses. Manufacturing Australia Chairman Mark Chellew today said: “The lack of stability and high power prices in SA are threatening both existing and future manufacturing investment in a state already reeling from automotive closures…The more expensive and unstable our energy […]

Stand up to poverty

Poverty and severe hardship affects more than a million Australians and the electorate of Stuart is not immune to this serious problem and there is no better time to address this than during Anti-Poverty Week from 16-22 October 2016. Member for Stuart, Dan van Holst Pellekaan MP, is encouraging people to use Anti-Poverty Week as […]

Labor let the lights go out in Northern Power Station

The State Liberals have released an FOI determination by the Ombudsman directing the Weatherill Government to reveal how much money Alinta requested to keep the Northern Power Station operating.  “Tom Koutsantonis needs to come clean about the negotiations that took place regarding saving the Northern Power Station and keeping down electricity prices,” said Shadow Minister […]

Orroroo Water Quality | SPEECH

Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN ( Stuart ) ( 15:41 ): I rise to speak about the challenges with regard to water quality in the Orroroo community. As this house knows, water quality is a very serious issue and a big challenge in many parts of the electorate I represent, particularly many outback areas. Also in the southern Flinders Ranges there are […]

What cost closure of Northern Power Station?

The State Liberals are demanding the Premier Jay Weatherill reveals what it would have cost to keep the Northern Power Station operating and protect South Australian households from savage price increases in electricity. Documents obtained under Freedom of Information show the Weatherill Government received a briefing from the Department of State Development on the benefits […]

No relief from electricity prices

The State Liberals have warned South Australian households and business not to expect any price relief on their electricity bills as a result of the woefully inadequate measures announced by the Premier today. “Having driven South Australia’s cheapest generator out of business and in the process driven up the price of electricity the Premier is […]