Labor refuses additional protection for RFDS

The Member for Stuart, Dan van Holst Pellekaan has labelled the Weatherill Labor Government refusal to provide additional protection for Royal Flying Doctor Service staff as nothing short of disgraceful. Today in State Parliament the Labor Government again refused to support the State Liberal’s Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Bill which provides for a range of […]

Port Augusta bridges | VIDEO

Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN (Stuart) (15:17): I rise today to talk about a very important issue for us in Port Augusta at the moment. Of course, it also affects a lot of people in the broader district and, in some ways, people in Perth, Adelaide, Sydney and Darwin because we are having great difficulty with […]

Women in Agriculture and Business

Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN (Stuart) (12:29): I rise to support this very good motion from the member for Frome. Women in Agriculture and Business is an absolutely outstanding organisation in South Australia and have been for 100 years now, as we know from the centenary celebrations that were held in late October in Riverton. Unfortunately, […]

Prepare now for bushfire season

With the bushfire season fast approaching, Member for Stuart, Dan van Holst Pellekaan MP, is encouraging all community members and groups to assess their bushfire survival plan and ensure it takes into consideration the potential for a loss of power or mobile phone service. “As many people in the electorate would know, bushfires can be […]

Asbestos Awareness Month

With deadly asbestos present in a high number of older homes, Member for Stuart, Dan van Holst Pellekaan MP, is calling on homeowners, renovators, tradesmen (and women) and handymen to be vigilant about its dangers. With at least one in three homes built or renovated before 1987 containing asbestos, it is important to be aware […]

Regional Ambulance Services | MOTION

Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN (Stuart) (12:10): I rise to support the member for Mount Gambier in the unamended motion. It reflects very poorly on the government to come in here and use their numbers to change the intent of motions from opposition and other members of parliament. The member for Mount Gambier has done a great […]