International Nurses Day | SPEECH

Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN ( Stuart ) ( 12:35 :09 ): I rise to wholeheartedly support the motion by the member for Fisher, as I know my colleagues will as well. I also believe that it is very important to have as many people as possible from as many different working backgrounds in our parliament. […]

Weatherill’s power failure

The closure of the Northern Power Station a year ago has come at a very heavy price for South Australian electricity consumers. “In the year since Jay Weatherill sacrificed the Northern Power Station for want of just $25 million the price of electricity in South Australia has sky rocketed and reliability plummeted,” said Shadow Minister […]

Supply Bill 2017 | SPEECH

Second Reading Adjourned debate on second reading. (Continued from 13 April 2017.) Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN ( Stuart ) ( 11:04 :46 ): In regard to the installation of the cameras, I wholeheartedly support that. We in this parliament should be absolutely transparent, and as soon as possible, so I welcome the fact that that […]

Liberals to trap wild dogs

Hon David Ridgway MLC State Liberal Leader in the Legislative Council Shadow Minister for Primary Industries, Regional Development and Tourism   The State Liberals have committed to funding two wild dog trappers to protect South Australia’s livestock industry and native animals if elected in March 2018. Wild dog numbers have exploded in recent times and […]

Going grassroots: a conversation about NRM

Member for Stuart, Dan van Holst Pellekaan MP, is encouraging people in Stuart to get behind the Liberal Party’s statewide consultation on the future of natural resource management in South Australia. “Our online survey, launched today, aims to gauge community satisfaction with the state’s eight Natural Resource Management Boards with topics including regional boundaries, board […]

Loss of Power Grants | SPEECH

Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN ( Stuart ) ( 15:14 :05 ): As all members here know, on 28 September 2016 last year our state endured an unprecedented statewide blackout. Business SA has made it very clear that the cost to businesses was in excess of half a billion dollars from that event, but I want to […]

Recreational Fishing | MOTION

Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN ( Stuart ) ( 11:46 :55 ): On behalf of the member for Chaffey, I move: That this house – (a) notes the economic and social benefits of recreational f ishing to South Australia; (b) condemns the state government for not undertaking a regional economic impact a ssessment s tatement prior […]