The Marshall Liberal Government has welcomed the release of ElectraNet’s draft report into its investigation of options to transform South Australia’s energy future.
“In particular I welcome the news that a new, high capacity interconnector between South Australia and New South Wales would deliver South Australian households a $30 annual savings,” said Minister for Energy and Mining Dan van Holst Pellekaan.
“ElectraNet’s report validates one of the key components of the Marshall Liberal Government’s energy solution developed before the last state election.
“Enhancing South Australia’s interconnection to the NEM is one of range of policy initiatives the Marshall Liberal’s identified as necessary to bring down our states outrageous electricity prices.
“An interconnector to New South Wales will strengthen South Australia’s electricity network delivering greater reliability and cheaper prices.
“Access to additional electricity if we need it plus the opportunity to export our often overabundant renewable energy will deliver lower prices and more security for all South Australians.
“ElectraNet’s proposal closes the loop on South Australia’s connection to the national electricity market bringing cheaper power and greater export opportunities for our renewable energy generators.”
“We currently only have interconnection with Victoria which puts us at the end of the line, but adding interconnection to New South Wales puts us in the loop of opportunities available from the NEM.
“I look forward to working with the New South Wales government to develop opportunities which benefit both our states.”
The ElectraNet report was funded in part by a $500,000 grant from the previous Labor Government.
At the time the then Treasurer Tom Koutsantonis was a big supporter of building an interconnector to New South Wales:
Koutsantonis: SA Government, Media Release – 14 June 2016: “All Australian consumers would benefit from greater interconnection because it would create more competition between wholesale suppliers.”
Koutsantonis: 5AA – 14/07/2016:…South Australia is paying a different price than they are in New South Wales … the reason they’re doing that is because there’s no interconnection between New South Wales and South Australia … we need to (1) upgrade interconnection into New South Wales
Koutsantonis: ABC639 – 19/08/2016: “It would be a wise investment to build greater interconnection between South Australia and New South Wales…”
After the Marshall Liberals released our policy for greater interconnection Tom Koutsantonis changed his tune:
Koutantonis: Hansard House of Assembly 17 October 2017 Our efforts have been focused on self-reliance—that is, increasing generation here locally in South Australia, not being reliant on interconnectors and extension cords into other jurisdictions.