Liberal Energy Solution provides a clear choice


The Liberal Energy Solution announced yesterday has delivered a real solution to South Australia’s energy crisis and provides a clear choice for South Australians ahead of next year’s state election.

The Liberal Energy Solution will deliver a $200 million interconnection fund to improve connectivity with the National Energy Market (NEM), which independent expert advice has shown will decrease electricity prices and improve energy security for South Australian households and businesses.

By contrast, yesterday the Weatherill Labor Government back-flipped on its support for greater interconnection and will instead continue with its policy settings that have delivered the most expensive and least reliable electricity in the country.

“The Liberal Energy Solution will cut the average household bill by $302 per year once fully implemented without sacrificing reliability or the environment,” said Shadow Minister for Energy and Mining Dan van Holst Pellekaan.

“Only a Marshall Liberal Government offers a solution that will decrease electricity prices and secure South Australia’s energy grid.

“The Liberal Energy Solution will ensure South Australia is better connected with the NEM which will enable us to export more of our clean renewable energy to the eastern states. 

“The Weatherill Labor Government continues to back-flip and change its energy policies based on political whims.

“Last year Jay Weatherill issued a press release calling on the Federal Government and Opposition to give;

‘…an immediate and unqualified commitment to greater electricity interconnection to allow for much greater, two-way trade of electricity between South Australia and the eastern states’.

“However yesterday the Labor Party back-flipped on that position.

“The Weatherill Labor Government’s energy plan is in tatters and they can’t produce a shred of evidence to show their plan will decrease prices.

“South Australians have a clear choice to make at the March state election.”