Second Reading
Adjourned debate on second reading.
(Continued from 22 June 2016.)
Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN ( Stuart ) ( 16:39 :04 ): I would like to say a few words on the Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) (Recognition of National Domestic Violence Orders) Amendment Bill 2016. I will not speak for too long and I will not go into enormous detail because I know that other speakers have done that very well. I trust and believe deep in my heart that all members of the South Australian parliament are united in their desire to combat domestic violence in our state and other places to the very best of our ability. We all take this issue seriously. The member for Reynell and I have certainly formed a particular partnership, but we are supported by all members of parliament in this effort. The main principles of this bill are:
1.A domestic violence order made anywhere in Australia or New Zealand domestic violence order registered anywhere in Australia is nationally recognised and enforceable;
2.A domestic violence order that is nationally recognised can be amended in any jurisdiction, but only by a court;
3.If a domestic violence order made in one jurisdiction is in force, a new order can (if necessary) be made in another jurisdiction, but only by a court; and
4.The last order in time prevails.
They are the supporting foundation principles that we all agree to. Our deputy leader has added that we also believe that there should be an amendment with regard to fixing the term of DVOs, and I think that is important also. With reagrd to acknowledging the importance that within Australia DVOs should be able to cross borders, I would like to comment on why that is so necessary.
It is incredibly necessary because state borders are the least of the issues crossed over when it comes to domestic violence. Domestic violence crosses cultures, geography, income levels, religions, ethnic backgrounds and employment groups. Almost any demographic description that you can find unfortunately has its share of domestic violence. By that, I mean that it is found everywhere, and it is completely unacceptable. That is why at the very least we need to be able to cross state borders and work with New Zealand in relation to these orders.
The effort to address this issue needs to be just as strong in every corner of our nation. I know that we are united as members of parliament on this matter. Certainly, as a local MP I take it very seriously. As the shadow minister for police, I take it seriously. As a white ribbon ambassador, I take it very seriously. As a person and as a man, I take it incredibly seriously because the only demographic description that separates it from the others is men versus women with regard to domestic violence. It is not exclusively men, but it is overwhelmingly men who commit domestic violence against women.
With those few words, I support all members of this parliament who have spoken on this matter. I appreciate the fact that everybody is working so hard on this issue. We are unfortunately decades too late, but we should just start, get going and do everything that we possibly can in every way on this important issue.