
Peterborough Golf Club
12 Oct 2021

Peterborough Golf Club

It is a great pleasure for me to share with the house the wonderful event that my wife and I attended in Peterborough on Saturday evening: the Peterborough Golf Club's end-of-year presentation night. I have to say it was absolutely fantastic to see the achievement of the golfers, particularly the young golfers in that club. It is a family club.

Port Pirie
22 Sep 2021

Port Pirie

It is not surprising that I have had a long association with Port Pirie as well as the Upper Spencer Gulf cities.

Blessing of the Fleet in Port Pirie
21 Sep 2021

Blessing of the Fleet in Port Pirie

It gives me huge pleasure to rise today to talk about a wonderful local event that I attended on Sunday 12 September with my wife, Rebecca. It was in Port Pirie at St Mark's Cathedral. It is locally known as the Blessing of the Fleet celebration.

Mining Industry | QUESTION TIME
08 Sep 2021

Mining Industry | QUESTION TIME

Ms LUETHEN (King) (14:31): My question is to the Minister for Energy and Mining. Can the minister please update the house on the contribution mining is making t

Bushfire Preparedness
08 Sep 2021

Bushfire Preparedness

It is a pleasure to rise on behalf of the people of Stuart on an important and serious matter—not one for alarm but one to be taken very seriously—and that is the topic of fire preparedness as we move into spring and summer. In our electorate of Stuart, we are no strangers to very serious bushfires.

Hydrogen Costs | QUESTION TIME
07 Sep 2021

Hydrogen Costs | QUESTION TIME

Dr HARVEY (Newland) (14:22): My question is to the Minister for Energy and Mining. Can the minister please update the house on the cost of liquefying hydrogen,

07 Sep 2021


Mr TRELOAR (Flinders) (14:16): My question is to the Minister for Energy and Mining. Can the minister update the house on projections for the cost of creating h

Stuart Electorate
25 Aug 2021

Stuart Electorate

The Hon. D.C. VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN (Stuart—Minister for Energy and Mining) (15:29): It is a pleasure for me to share with the house what happened in my electorat

25 Aug 2021


I rise to make a short contribution to this motion on behalf of the people of my electorate of Stuart. I am certain my electorate would have a stronger historical connection with Afghan people than any other part of the state.

Energy and Mining Sector
24 Aug 2021

Energy and Mining Sector

Mr COWDREY (Colton) (14:57): My question is to the Minister for Energy and Mining. Can the minister please update the house on how the Marshall Liberal governme

Mining Industry Investment
23 Jun 2021

Mining Industry Investment

There is $4.5 million for the Accelerated Discovery Initiative. This is a wonderful time to be investing in the mining sector, and so we are coinvesting with private industry so that we can get the jobs and the royalties and all of the important benefits that are responsible and safe and productive that the mining sector brings into our state. But a very exciting new initiative announced by the Treasurer in this budget is the Arkani Ngura National Test Mine. It is an $8 million partnership with OZ Minerals at a section of its ongoing Prominent Hill mine, but a section of that mine underground that is actually closed. There is one such facility in the Northern Hemisphere, in Canada. This will be the second one in the world and the only one in the Southern Hemisphere.

10 Jun 2021


I rise today on a very sad issue from a Port Augusta community perspective, from a Flinders Ranges perspective and from my own perspective. I rise to talk about a friend who died recently and whose funeral I attended.

Peterborough Art Prize
25 May 2021

Peterborough Art Prize

It is a huge pleasure for me as the member for Stuart to rise to talk about a fantastic local community event that I attended just last Friday evening, 21 May, in Peterborough. Some members may know that once a year the Peterborough Art Prize is held. It is a fantastic exhibition that I think has been running for 13 or so years—I am sorry I do not know exactly—and it is gaining a very positive reputation. It always is an outstanding exhibition run by volunteers.