Introduction and First Reading Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN ( Stuart ) ( 10:33 :38 ): Obtained leave and introduced a bill for an act to amend the Electoral Act 1985. Read a first time. Second Reading Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN ( Stuart ) ( 10:34 :04 ): I move: That this bill be now read […]
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Dog and Cat Management (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill | SPEECH
Second Reading Adjourned debate on second reading. (Continued from 23 March 2016.) Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN ( Stuart ) ( 16:02 :01 ): I will be very brief. I know that there will be several speakers from both sides of the house who will make very fulsome and informed contributions. I appreciate that they are […]
International Nurses Day Motion | SPEECH
Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN ( Stuart ) ( 12:25 :42 ): I will be brief, because I know others want to contribute to this motion. I thank the member for Fisher for bringing this motion and we certainly all wholeheartedly support it. I am very fortunate to be one of the many members who have […]
Mobile Black Spot Program | SPEECH
Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN ( Stuart ) ( 17:06 :41 ): I take this opportunity to rise on behalf of the people of Stuart, and also regional South Australia more broadly, to talk about mobile phone blackspots. On 25 June last year, the federal government announced that it had completed its $100 million Mobile Black Spot […]
Dog Fence (Payments and Rates) Amendment Bill | SPEECH
Second Reading Adjourned debate on second reading. (Continued from 24 February 2016.) Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN ( Stuart ) ( 16:47 :40 ): Let me say very clearly that I support this bill, as I gather do all members of this house. Wild dogs are a terribly big and I believe still underestimated problem for […]
SA Police Motion | SPEECH
Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN ( Stuart ) ( 11:04 :08 ): By leave, I move: To amend the motion standing in my name to insert the words ‘in the opinion of this h ouse’ after the word ‘ T hat’ first appearing, and add the following parts 2 and 3 after ‘(i) any other related […]
Nuclear Waste Storage Facility (Prohibition) (Public Money) Amendment Bill | SPEECH
Second Reading Adjourned debate on second reading. (Continued from 9 March 2016.) Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN ( Stuart ) ( 11:52 :12 ): I am the lead speaker for this bill, and let me say at the outset that the opposition will not oppose passage of this bill through this house. If information comes to […]
World Water Day | SPEECH
Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN ( Stuart ) ( 15:18 :35 ): It gives me great pleasure to rise on United Nations World Water Day, 22 March, to highlight some issues that are very relevant at the moment in South Australia. World Water Day is a tremendous initiative trying to highlight the fact that water is […]
Mining Industry | SPEECH
Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN (Stuart) (17:01:37): I rise today to talk about a topic that weighs very heavily on the hearts of everybody in the Upper Spencer Gulf. I speak as both shadow minister for mineral resources and energy and also as the member for Stuart, being primarily Port Augusta-based. This issue is the challenges facing […]
Women in Policing | SPEECH
Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN ( Stuart ) ( 11:35 :40 ): It is a pleasure for me, on behalf of the opposition—and I know that other speakers will do the same—to support the member’s motion: That this house recognises the 100th anniversary of w omen serving as police officer s in the South Australian police […]