Hon Tim Whetstone MP Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development South Australian sheep producers have begun contributing directly to the rebuild of the $25 million Dog Fence with a 12 cent increase in the South Australian Sheep Industry Fund going directly towards the project. The increase from 55 cents to 67 cents per sheep […]
Month: November 2019
Tenders open for $25 million Dog Fence rebuild
Hon Tim Whetstone MP Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development Businesses are being sought to participate in the $25 million rebuild of the South Australian Dog Fence with tender documents revealing the extent of the project, requiring up to 71,000 timber posts, 127,500 steel droppers and more than 7,000 kilometres of wire. Tenders open […]
New Mid North weather stations to avoid the drift
Hon Tim Whetstone MP Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development Cereal and grain producers in the Mid North will have a new tool at their disposal this summer to assist with their summer weed control programs and help avoid spray drift. Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development Tim Whetstone said the introduction of […]